
Information Platform

Wisdom sanitation integrated management Information Platform

Wisdom sanitation integrated management Information Platform is relying on the wisdom of sanitation management Information Platform construction of the second phase of sanitation; sanitation will be collected by a large number of cloud terminal sanitation industry data and management experience in various localities to absorb the fusion, and after a standardized, service-oriented structures since the industry cloud services platform.

Sanitation through integrated information management platform, in accordance with the requirements of sanitation "Sanding (quantitative quota, quota)" standard, clarify the basis for each operating point; refine the specific assignments of each operating point; part of the optimization process each job and requirements, and to grasp the dynamic information of the job.

By mature use of information technology and the latest leading IOT sensing technology, to meet the needs of the sanitation industry consolidation resources, application-oriented, sanitation operations and management center as the main body, to achieve the sanitation external job standardization, internal process standardization, refinement of middle management, high-level decision-making more scientific and modern sanitation operation and management mode